
„Tvé srdce ví, jak tě učinit šťastným. Poslouchej své srdce.“
- Sri Chinmoy

Buttons & Alert Boxes

In Codeus you can insert buttons anywhere you wish to use it in your content. You can style your buttons with unlimited color combinations. Alert Boxes can be useful to promote some information on your page or to bring the website visitor to some action. You can combine Alert Boxes with or without title, text and button

My Awesome Button


Alert Box with title and button

Codeus gives you a large number of shortcodes to work with typography of your website: headings, dropcaps, quoted text, divider. All of them could be easily re-styled in theme options!

Alert Box with title and button

Codeus gives you a large number of shortcodes to work with typography of your website: headings, dropcaps, quoted text, divider. All of them could be easily re-styled in theme options!

Alert Box with title and button

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec diam ante, feugiat sed placerat at, lobortis non nunc.
Here is an example of simple text alert box. In Alert Box You can use any content elements you wish

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec diam ante, feugiat sed placerat at, lobortis non nunc.

Suspendisse dapibus velit non elementum laoreet. Sed suscipit suscipit erat.