
„Tvé srdce ví, jak tě učinit šťastným. Poslouchej své srdce.“
- Sri Chinmoy

Rich Text Editor / WYSIWYG

This is a full-functional WYSIWYG Editor you can use to create some information boxes in the sidebar of your pages. As in any rich text editor, you can use any formatting or any media content you wish as well as all of the Codeus shortcodes.


Picturebox is like an image infobox for your page. With this widget you can insert an image in your sidebar by selecting it from the media library or uploading it from your computer – with own title, own description and own link.

Project Info / Contact Info / Custom Iconed Fields

This widget is especially useful for project/product pages, contact pages or any pages, where you wish to emphasize some brief facts using separate fields with nice icons.

Submenu / Side Sub-Navigation

Submenu widget builds automatically the submenu navigation on your page depending on the position of your page inside the website structure.


If you wish to show your team persons in the sidebar on some pages, use this widget.


Just like your team members, you can show testimonials of your customers in the page sidebar.


Diagrams are essential for demonstrating any kind of skills, developments, shares & ratios. Codeus has a built-in widget for displaying two different kinds of diagrams: bars & circles. Bar diagrams are animated and circle diagrams are interactive on mouse-over.

Flickr / Photostream

Using this widget you can display a photostream from Flickr in the page sidebar.

Facebook Page

To add facebook plugin in your sidebar, use this widget.


Display your recent tweets in the page sidebar.

Recent Posts / Popular Posts

Display your recent tweets in the page sidebar.

Custom Menu

Create your custom navigation menu in your sidebar.

Text & Categories

Text is a simple textbox/infobox you can use to highlight some information. Categories is a standard widget to show your post categories.